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Steven Watkins.

Sir Topham Hatts Assistant.

Age (in 1955): 35.

pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: pan

Close Friend: Tony

Partner: Alan

Appearance description

Steven has light brown hair, that's a bit messy with many a fly away hair, that's combed upwards.

He has ivory skin and light brown eyes.

His uniform is relatively clean, with a few ink and tea stains here and there.

His go to is a blue tartan button up, with jeans and slightly scuffed shoes that he wears all of the time.


Steven is from Arlesdale, Sodor. Born to a... decent enough family. He worked in the yard at the small railway for 7 years, and later being promoted to fireman.

He was informed of a new role for the new controllers assistant. Not planning on becoming a driver there anyway, and meeting most of the requirements, he applied. And got the job after multiple interviews and tests.

Quick Facts!

  • He's very sociable and bubbly, and happily strikes up a conversation with anyone (to the surprise of some)
  • He's got insomnia, he'll sometimes be found taking naps in various places during break.
  • He plays the violin! His mum made him learn when he was younger, but as a adult he picked it up again for fun, and he finds it comforting now.