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North Western Railway

Engines don’t hold the same beliefs as people would, so they wouldn't really understand human concepts such as bigotry.

Making fun of someone because they're diesel, or because they've got a short funnel, etc, that's perfectly common definitely so you could call it "engine bigotry"

But being mean to someone because the gay most, if not all Engines would be confused.

The NWR is a safe place for not only weird and odd engines no other railway wanted.

But people too.

Albert the yard manager has a no tolerance bullying policy, and isn't afraid to move people around if someone's being nasty

Sir Topham Hatt campaigned for Gay rights in 1963 and was one of the reasons it was legalised in Sodor in 61 and then all anti gay laws where abolished in 65. STH has quite a bit of influence.

And the NWR where probably some of the first to higher POC and Women too.

A lot of mainlanders come to the island and it's a straight up culture shock

All NWR staff members get offered workers accommodation.

These are relatively small apartment blocks, that can house any rail staff that requires it.

These are sorted into blocks

A = Stationmaster's/Drivers

B = Drivers / Fireman

C = Fireman/Guards

D = Workmen

These apartments are stationed near their work stations.

The majority of Drivers and firemen live in apartment blocks near Tidmouth.

While Knapford Stationmasters and Yardworkers live in blocks near Knapford.

Sir Topham Hatts assistants live near Wellsworth, ect.

There are multiple types of apartments.

Family apartments: these are larger ones, typically with 2-3 bedrooms, and a slightly larger living era and kitchen.

These apartments are not held only for families, however it is much harder to get if you don't have children.

Flatmate apartments: these are apartments with 2 bedrooms, though other than that are around the size of standard apartments overall. Flatmate apartments are the ones the majority for LGBT workers went for, mostly due to the fact it didn't raise too much suspicion.

Standard apartments: the most common. Offered to all workers, with a relatively low rent. Fairly small, with a small kitchen (the majority of which are only separate from the living room by a small wall/breakfast bar, bathroom, living room, and bedroom. Very bare bones bog standard.

The majority of apartments are pet friendly, however pet free apartments were established in the 70s for those with allergies.

Scarfs are apart of the uniforms during the winter months

Yardworkers: dark brown or light brown-yellow (the second is not as popular "looks like the colour of baby poo? Who would want that?")

Engine crews: red with white stripe at the bottom.

Stationmasters: blue and green or purple and green. (For the two Stationmasters plan. The second stationmaster was given the colour that the other didn't choose)

The "larger stations initiative" or the "two Stationmasters plan" was formed by The Fat Controller in 1949. It was a act that the largest stations (Vicarstown, Knapford, Wellsworth), where to be given two Stationmasters, instead of the former one.

This was to help relieve stress for the larger stations, so the Stationmasters work load was shared. This was also done so one Stationmaster could be on two different platforms at once (to take that burden from the guards), and so that one Stationmaster was always on the platform while the other was in their office.

"Medium" sized stations like Knapford, got two stationmasters.

While "Large" stations like Vicarstown got 3 (as they already had 2 stationmasters before the LSI)