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An Unlikely Pair?

I realised that up until then, I had never written a Roy and Sidney dynamic really. They're now one of my favourites.


"Your friends with Hever?" Roy asked, walking side by side with Harry.

"Sidney? Y-yeah… we've been friends for years. He's nice! r-real supportive too!" Harry tumbled out, bringing his hat down slightly, as he usually did when embarrassed.

Roy laughed a little "it's nice to know there are supportive non queer people."

"Oh Hullo stationmaster!" Edward said cheerfully as Roy walked up.

"Hullo Edward! Is your fireman there by chance?"

Sidney leaned out of the cab "I am indeed! What'd you need mate?"

"Nothing professional. Just… need to talk"

Sidney nodded and hopped out of the cab.

"Come 'round here then. There's a good quiet spot behind the shed".

The two sat down on some old cargo boxes.

"You're… Harry's friend right?" Roy asked cautiously.

"Yeah. Known him for ages now. Why?" Sidney gasped quickly before Roy could respond "Wait, are you Roy?!"

"...y-yes!" Roy stuttered out, a little surprised at the fireman's sudden enthusiasm.

"Ah, well that changes things! I've heard a lot about you"

"You have?"

Sidney nodded "if you can keep a secret, because if he finds out he'll kill me" he laughed, "he's absolutely smitten with you"

"He is?"


Roy breathed a laugh of relief "Ah. That's what I wanted to ask about. Since… he's a little shy, isn't he?"

Sidney nodded "yeah, he's definitely got walls up. But I implore you to keep at it. He's a really nice lad." Sidney placed his hand on Roy's shoulder, "I reckon he'd make a really good partner too."

To say Roy was a little overwhelmed with how chill Sidney was taking this would be an understatement.

Harry was right, he really is fine with queer folk.

"My only real advice is to be really really nice. But… you got that covered from what I hear" Sidney said, hopping down from the crate. "Sorry I gotta run for the next train. But you're free to chat anytime!" Roy nodded.

"I should head back too. Thank you Hever"

"call me Sidney. And no problem! Hope it goes well."

Sidney quickly turned back "Oh also!" He shouted, "If you hurt him you're dead!" Roy chuckled a little and nodded

"He'll be safe. Don't you worry!"