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I dont remember I wrote this at 2am.


To Charlie

You know we're both absolutely terrible at emotions.

So, I'm going to say this the only way I know how. With writing.

I already know your response to this letter. You're going to call me a "soft git", or a "sappy sod". And that's why I love you.

You're different, different from all the relationships I've had. Both platonic and romantic.

You're sarcastic, funny, sharp-tongued but gentle, caring, and you're a fantastic artist.

You're the only one allowed to call me Sid, I've always hated being called that. But it coming from you feels different- Feels right.

"I love you" they felt so easy to say before, such light words, muttered so easily.

But with you it's so different.

They feel so heavy, so meaningful with you.

Even then I don't think I love you quite cuts it. It doesn't fully express how I feel about you.

How wonderful and amazing I think you are and how lucky I am to have you.

So I hope you know what I mean sweetheart, when I say I love you.




You're right. You are a soft git.

And I hope you realize that letter had me sobbing on the locker room floor for a long while.

I'm not any way near as good at words as you are but just know this.

You joining our little crew was one of the best things that's ever happened to me.

And I bloody love you.
