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No Snow For Thomas

A quick writing/formatting exercise, using Thomas and the Snowplough and No Snow For Thomas. Because I wasn't happy with how little the crews where used in the former



“Why do I have to wear the snow plough plough!?” shouted Thomas, “It’s not even snowing! I’ll look silly!”

Thomas’ Driver and Fireman gave each other a knowing look, a look that said here we go… again.

“Yes Thomas but there's a chance!” Thomas’ Fireman Tony said, “And if there's a chance we need to put it on, just to be safe!”

Thomas grumbled but didn’t cause a fuss.


“Snow! PAH! Silly soft stuff. It won’t stop me!” Thomas boasted.

“Now you listen here.” Bob replied, “We're going to fix your snow plough and I want no nonsense, please”.

“Aye sir…”

The snow plough was heavy and uncomfortable and made Thomas cross. He shook it, and banged it, and when they got back it was so damaged that they had to take it off!

“You’re a very naughty engine!” said his Driver.

The two came early the next day

“Do you think it's… fixable?” Tony asked, making a loop around the plough.

Bob sighed, “Honestly, I’m not sure… he did a number on it”.

They worked hard to fix the snow plough, but they couldn’t make it fit properly.

“I shan't have to wear it! I shan't have to wear it!” He puffed happily to Annie and Clarabel

“I hope it's alright, I hope it's alright,” They whispered anxiously.

“It’s not too bad here Bob! Maybe it’ll be okay!” The Fireman said hopefully.

“It’s not too bad here…” The Driver sighed, “But it’ll be worse in the valley.”

“Maybe someone will clear it before we get there?”


As Thomas wooshed along his branchline, he came up with a plan, “I’ll tell Driver I’m having trouble with my snow plough!” he thought cheekily, “Then they’ll take it off!”

Thomas wheeshed steam.“Oh do pull over in a siding sir!” Thomas whined, “I feel SO uncomfortable!”

The two crewmen glanced at each other in suspicion. “Alright Thomas, we’ll stop in a moment”. His Driver replied.

“What's up then?” His fireman asked, leaning out of the cab.

“My snow plough!” Thomas whined, making the two men roll their eyes. “I don’t think it fits!”

Bob sighed and hopped out the cab, “You got his regular one right Doll?”

“I’m sure I did!” Tony replied, “What's it look like?”

“Looks fine to me… you come have a look.”

The two crewmen checked the snow plough carefully, the ground crunching under their feet.

“It looks fine to me Dear.”

Thomas huffed, wheeshing steam again “It huurrts”

“It doesn’t look like snow to be honest, Doll”.

“I suppose we could leave it here and fetch it when it starts snowing again. I’m sure we’ll remember the siding, right Darling?”

“I- uh, right yeah”. “Alright Thomas, we’ll take it off.” the Driver sighed, and the two went to grab a tool kit.