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Charlie (Chad) Rossi

Inn Cook

Age: 33

pronouns: They/Them, Name/self

Sexuality: Pan

Species: Human

Close Friend: Patrick/Liam

Partner: Wayne

Appearance Description

Charlie has tanned skin, and brown hair thats shoulder length, and brown eyes. Charlie usually wears a orange t-shirt, with a denim jacket that's hand-painted rainbow on the other side. Tan trousers, with red shoes.


"Ah, I used to live in the city!" Chad said with a sigh "It's... nice to visit, but I'd never live there again"

Charlie comes from the Kingdom of Sodania, in the city of Sadoly.

They where born to two bakers, and learnt how to cook from a very young age.

Charlie never really enjoyed the big city, they hated it even from a young age. So when Charlie visited Brambleberry one day on a trip, they knew immediately they wanted to move there, they loved how cosy the town was compared to the city.

They moved almost as soon as they could, and applied for a job at a local inn, on their way to work, they saw a flyer asking for 3 roommates.

Quick Facts!

  • Charlie is an amazing cook, they can make almost any food, Charlie leans towards savoury food though, to let Liam have his time to shine.
  • Charlie is quite good at archery, he tries to get out to do it at the knights guild at least once a week (they open up their archery range on saturdays)