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Liam Arshag-Anderson


Age: 23

pronouns: He/him

Sexuality: Straight (Bi-curious)

Species: Anirian

Close Friend: Katelyn/Chad

Partner: N/A

Appearance Description

Liam is a bear Anirian, he has brown hair thats ear length and swooped around messily, and brown bear ears. His skins pale, and his eyes are brown, he usually wears a tan shirt and brown jumper. He wears dark jeans and boots.


"I'm from Brambleberry... At least, I'm pretty sure I am." Liam went quiet. "I don't really remember much about my parents."

Liam grew up in Brambleberry, his parents abandoned him there when he was young, he lived in a orphanage for all his life, no one wanted a Therian who was a predator animal.

He got a job at a bakery when he was 16 and got trained up on the job.

When he was 18, he was given a grace period of 3 weeks to find a place to stay, the baker he worked for had pity, and let him live above the bakery for a while.

after two years, he saw a flyer asking for 3 room mates.

Quick Facts!

  • Liam is very quiet, he keeps to himself more often then not. People barely hear more then 4 words from him for a good few months. The only two who can get him properly talking is Alan and Katelyn.
  • He's a very good baker, his favourite things to bake is cupcakes, and gingerbread.