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Patrick Aven-Bryne


Age: 29

pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: bi

Species: Fairian (Magan)

Close Friend: Chad

Partner: Phil

Appearance Description

Patrick has pale skin with freckles all across his face, he has bright ginger hair that ends about chin length. He wears a long green coat usually, and a pale yellow shirt underneath with a green bow ribbon. Dark grey trousers and black boots


"Oh boy my family. They sure where something." Patrick laughed. "It was a big family but, eh, most Fairian familys are."

Born in the Fairian town of Clearcliff, he has 3 sisters, and 2 brothers.

Clearcliff was one of the many towns that leans very heavily into Fairian culture in the way they act and dress, so he learnt magic at a very young age.

He didn't really enjoy the elitism that surrounded Clearcliff, so after there was a job listing in the town of Brambleberry he jumped at it in a heartbeat.

After a few weeks of living in various inns around town, he saw a flyer from Phil and Wayne asking for 3 roommates.

Quick Facts!

  • Patrick likes playing various instruments. He's favourites being guitar and ukulele.
  • Patrick taught himself how to fly, Phil will be the first to tell you that "it's not flying, it's stepping on magic platforms." Either way, he doesn't go up too high because he's scared of heights.