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Phil Bulayd-Connor

Flight instructor Assistant

Age: 29

pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: bi

Species: Dragonican

Close Friend: Wayne

Partner: Patrick

Appearance Description

Phil is very purple, his dad is a purple Dragonican and he likes to lean into that to remember his roots. Phil has very pale skin dotted with freckles, His hair is a bright purple and parted at the side messily, He has massive dragon wings that are a dark purple on the arms, and a light pink on the wing itself. He's usually sporting a custom-made lace up shirt.

His trousers are a dark purple with stars on the knees, stiched on by Wayne. His boots a deep purple that lace up with buckles rather then laces. He also has a short dragon tail, that's similar colour to his wings.


"My dad was the leader of The Evanescent! I was supposed to lead it but..." Phil forced a laugh "Lets just say no one really liked that idea."

He was born to a high family, his mother a human, but his father is a leader of a major group of Dragonican's named The Evanescent.

Phil was born to lead The Evanescent one day, but it was clear to all but his father that he was not built to lead.

He was seen as "seeking death" by most of the clan, and the rest didn't see him fit to lead due to being only half Dragonican.

He always loved flight class, he was never quite able to stick landings but he loved it all the same, and wanted to become a instructor one day.

His father gave him a choice, the opportunity of taking over his fathers place, or going to university but having to leave The Evanescent and move somewhere else.

Phil chose the latter.

He met Wayne at university, and moved with him to Brambleberry. Where he was hired as a Flight Instructor Assistant

Quick Facts!

  • Phil is very accident prone, he fails to stick most landings, and he is bound to break almost any glass, or plate, he touches.
  • He almost always has very high energy, he's always doing something, moving from one task to the next very quickly. Usually forgetting to do the actual important things he was meant to.