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Biological traits: Typically having a mixture of human, and non human traits.


Animal + Therian.

Animal Tails, ears, sharper nails and teeth, tougher hands and feet.

Fish types will have scales, and are able to breathe under water, and are naturally fast swimmers.

Eye and Hair colour usually matches the kind of animal they are (Brown Bears have brown hair and eyes, Foxes have ginger hair and orange eyes).


Fairy + Therian

: Red/brown hair

AFAB: Red/blonde hair, and light butterfly wings.

Most Fairians are Magan, but at least %2 aren't.

They are on average, slightly shorter then the average human.

Dragonican (plural Dragonica)

Dragon wings, tails, AFABs have horns.

Hair and eyes will match scale colour.

Sharp teeth, tough and sharp nails, wider feet.



Traditonal Anirian culture has mostly been lost thanks to human socialisation.

Old clan ruins have been found mostly throughout woodland areas.

Cooking and hunting have always been big with Anirians.


Fairian culture is one of the few Therian cultures that is embedded in gender roles, this is likely due to them being one of the few species that have a big visible diffrence between the sexes, recently theres been more relaxation on sex playing a part, but it's still there.

They usually live in their own villages with 1-3 head/elder Fairians.

They're very big on tradition.

Men usually don't use wands (elders may use staffs, due to their hands no longer being able to handle intense magic), and women usually have a staff that corosponds with their chosen specialty.

When a Fairian turns 16 they have the oppertunity to take a test, ran by one of the elders, this test helps a fairian know what magic they will be best at.

Some at best at nature magic, others are better at wish fulfilment, or mechanical magic.

This isn't the only type of magic a Fairian can learn, but the importance of the test and "furfilling your destiny" is really pushed on.

Fairians air towards fortune telling, doctors, tricksters, and tinkerers/mechanics.


Dragonica live in the mountains typically, with a higherarchy of 1-2 Dragonican leaders.

Dragonican have a reputation of being very ellitist, and having a "Holier then thou" attitude when it comes to other Therian species, even changing their species name from Dratian to Dragonican.

Sewing is a large part of Dragonican culture, likely due to necessity as not many clothes are made with wings in mind.

Hords are the main one however, traditionally its treasures, gems, younger Dragonicans will be given regular rocks. But more recently its branched out to include "human" items too, such as video games and dolls, though older Dragonica look down on this



Anirian traditional clothing is lost to time, but some fur robes have been found.

They typically wore/wear whatever humans are at the time.


Mens traditonal clothing: Long green coats with gold or light green accents, hats or clovers in your hair, and black shoes with buckles.

shoulder length hair and facial hair is also traditional.

Men don't typically use wands, except for larger spells, though older folk will often choose to use staffs due to magic being hard on their hands.

Womens traditonal clothing: Silk dresses hitting the knee or longer, long cloaks with hoods are popular over top too. Shoes are usally healed and made of glass or wood. Hair usually

reaches the thighs, younger folk keep it down, and older folk have it up in a bun.

Typically use wands that'll match their main choice of magic.


Clan leaders will wear big flowing robes, usually black with silver or gold accents.

Tattoos on the wings are common too, usually showing their main victorys and showing their family trees/history.

Folks below will usually wear lace up shirts in colours that match their scale colour.

Some paint their undertails, horns, or wing muscles with specially formatted paint.